Yes, we use industry standard 2 factor authentication.
Yes, our processor is fully secure and encrypted data within their portal with the financial institution.
No problem, our product deployment team will help you gather all your data into a CSV file and will upload it to Inugo.
No problem, we will not identify this feature in the set-up.
No problem, we will work with you to deploy that integration similar to QuickBooks.
No problem, we can set up your billing account as a traditional merchant processing account.
Generally, within 48 hours depending on the industry, but a majority of our merchants will see the deposit the next day.
Digital 55 support will always be here for you, and we are closely connected with our merchant processing partner.
Yes, we can work with many of the POS systems.
No, because a surcharge would be applied to all invoice payment transactions. A convenience fee is the legal verbiage to communicate the merchant fees exists with a credit card payment.
Yes, you can log in but not as freely. Mobile apps for IOS and Android coming soon.
Yes, with the connection, any company, contact, or new item will be generated in QuickBooks.
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